Salvation, Adult, Biblical Counseling

1 year ago

Before I became a Christian, a person witnessed to me on the street. He asked me if I was "saved." My answer was "well, yes, I think so." But actually, I really didn't know for sure what he was talking about. I thought to myself, "I'm a good person...if there is a loving and good God, then I must be okay." How easily I overlooked the thousands of sins I had committed in my lifetime: selfishness, rudeness, lying, cheating, sexual immorality, arrogance, greed...ouch, it hurts my pride to think of it! However, if I really wanted to be honest with myself, I knew it was true. How can a perfectly holy and righteous God have friendship with me? The answer is He won't. So in otherwords, I'm cut off from God, who alone is perfect and who alone can make me fulfilled and complete. I'm lost. I'm in darkness. I'm doomed to a miserable life reaping the consequences of my sin. And when I die, I will not go to live with the holy loving God in His heaven. I will be separated from Him, my soul in some sort of painful, burning, outer darkness. Help!...Help! Can anyone save me??

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