EU Space Programme: RIT2021 in Kiruna & Esrange Space Center | Horizon Europe

1 year ago

This infoclip illustrates the EU space programme. Footage from Kiruna, Sweden. The footage shows RIT2021, a regional EU project in the space industry aiming to enhance Norrbottens role as Sweden’s leading space region by way of pairing acedemia, the business sector and actors within the innovation support system at the Space Campus in Kiruna, Sweden. Esrange Space Center is an important node in European satellite communications and supports many important satellite programs for Europe. It is involved in Horizon Europe mainly in rocket testing and rocket reusability, which is facilitated by its location 200 km north of the Arctic Circle. From 05:05: Copyright: SSC, Swedish Space Corporation - Terms and Conditions).

Quelle: Copyright by Europäische Union

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