How to play Rabbit Hole

1 year ago

Learn the rules to the party game Rabbit Hole quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to be the first player to 25 points. The object of each round is to correctly guess the most popular auto-fill option from a search result while tricking everyone else to guess yours. Give each player an answer pad and pencil. The player with the closest birthday is the first leader. Set out the deck. The leader draws the top card of the deck and selects any one of the 3 prompts and reads it aloud. The bold text is the answer, which should not be read aloud.

Now, all the other players write down an answer to the prompt they think is the most searched for online. The leader writes the correct answer on their own answer pad. The leader collects all the answers and checks them. If the leader can’t read an answer, then they discretely give the paper back to the player for them to fix. If anyone wrote the correct answer, then all the players with the correct answer immediately score 4 points and the round ends. If there are any duplicate answers, then the leader removes those duplicates from the pile: they may not be guessed. Otherwise, the Leader adds their correct answer to the others and mixes them up then reads them off one by one.

Beginning with the player to the left of the leader, then proceeding clockwise, each player, other than the leader, must guess which answer they think is the correct one. the leader may not give any clues or hints as to which answer a player should guess. Once everyone has guessed, the answer is revealed, and points are scored. You score 1 point for each player who guessed your answer, and 2 points for guessing the correct answer. You are allowed to guess your own answer, but if you do, you do not score any points for it.

Tally up the points on the score pad then the role of leader moves to the next player to the left. The first player to score 25 points, wins!

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