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15 Times Predators Target Newborns

1 year ago

15 Times Predators Target Newborns
Animals in the wild must fight every day for their survival, so they can eventually reach adulthood and become less vulnerable. Have you ever wondered how difficult it must be for newborns of any species to make it to adulthood when there are so many predators out there looking for a quick lunch? What are the chances of a baby zebra reaching adulthood? What about a baby seal? If you want to see the hardships of growing up in the animal world, stay tuned as we count down 15 times predators target newborns.


This leopard amuses itself with this baby impala before it kills it. For some reason, it enjoys playing with its meal for a few minutes before it decides to execute it. It almost seems like it’s throwing the impala at a going-away party. Just missing the balloons and the confetti. The poor animal doesn’t have a clue what’s going on and soon it will be at the pearly gates meeting with Noah. The leopard finally commits the act and enjoys its meal. This is the part where one can say that nature is truly cruel. It doesn’t take much time before this leopard suffocates this little fella.

It’s always heartbreaking seeing newborns that barely arrive on this planet, leave it just as fast. This leopard watches this young Dik-Dik before ambushing and killing it. It’s such a tiny animal, it looks like this is desert, for the leopard. This leopard walks towards a watering hole and notices a small deer. It doesn’t waste any time and serves itself. Why are all these babies on their own? Where are the parents when you need them?

Zebra Attacks Baby Zebra

Not only do zebra mothers have to worry about lions and leopards, but they also have to worry about male zebras. If the harem's females have recently given birth, the new dominant male may kill their foals to wipe off any evidence of his predecessor's genetic heritage and bring the females into oestrus to further his own genetic legacy. This male zebra holds this foal by the legs and the foal is almost about to drown. The male chases the baby, but its mother intervenes and defends it to death. After a few bumps and bruises, the baby makes it out of there alive, thanks to its mother.

The fights are vicious with the zebras kicking one another and sometimes the dominant male is successful and manages to kill a young foal. This is another crazy battle, and the foal is being trampled on by these zebras, but the mother is trying her best to fend off the attacks. You can see the attacks happen while the female is actually giving birth. What a welcome the foal receives just when it barely takes its first breath. Could you imagine being born and the second you come into the world, you get slapped out by your dad? What a welcome that would be. These zebra battles are insane!


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