Meet Murphy the Mbu Pufferfish - Monster Fish

1 year ago

The Mbu Pufferfish (Tetraodon mbu) is one of the largest freshwater pufferfish species in the world, native to the Congo River Basin in Africa. Mbu Puffers are known for their distinctive and engaging personalities, as well as their impressive size – they can grow up to 26 inches (or even more) in length.

Like all pufferfish, the Mbu Puffer is characterized by its ability to inflate its body when threatened, making it appear much larger to potential predators. Its body is generally brown or greenish-brown in color, with a white underbelly and a unique pattern of dark spots or blotches.

Despite their charming demeanor, Mbu Puffers require specific care and are not recommended for beginners. They require a large tank due to their size and produce a lot of waste, which means a robust filtration system is essential. They're also predominantly carnivorous and have strong teeth that continuously grow, so a diet consisting of hard-shelled food like snails or shellfish is required to help wear down their teeth.

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