Eyes on The Stars Weekly Vibes June 7th 2023 Expect to Feel a Little Wonky.

1 year ago

Hi Everyone,

Well this week we have Venus in Leo joining Mars in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius. Big energy players having mining our hearts minds and actions .

How are we using our energy and our resources? Are we looking to the bigger picture or becoming self absorbed to the point of excessive greed?

We have also just completed the Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus and now Mercury has moved into Gemini.
Our heads could be feeling a little fuzzy and perhaps a little over cooked.

Mercury in Gemini will only speed us up more so be mindful to take time to breathe and empty out. When our mind moves too fast we can become disoriented, and perhaps a feeling of being sea sick nauseous from over stimulation.

We also have Saturn challenging Venus with an in conjunction pressing the awareness to pull our excessive nature in and create from a solid platform rather than a frivolous unsustainable fleeting moment that cannot hold us nor our desires - ambitions going forward.

This week our minds ( psychologically) could feel tired from trying to keep up and keep pushing to stay current. This is happening to get us to dig down into ourselves and ask what truly matters, how important is this desire, wish, etc is it a fleeting thought or is it a true heartfelt desire that you can commit to and build from?

June is a month of many turning tides so expect to feel a little wonky.

Enjoy the week, take time out to journal and engage with your deepest desires hopes dreams and wishes. Clarify and sift through what is relevant and current, ask yourself is this still lighting me up inside? Or is it time to make some adjustments?

And so it is


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