The Vail Will Come Down and Darkness Will Be Revealed For What it is.

1 year ago

I can feel the change the vail is about to come crashing down any moment.

The change of peoples full personalities , they have no compassion , don't care and do what they want instead of what is right.

Plagued by Demonic Influence and Demonic Possession. It is very obvious now they have been consumed and taken over.

Just because they pull a smoke screen over your eyes with the debt ceiling increase doesn't mean things will return to normal.

This is it the waiting game on when the next big shoe is going to drop.

Your either on the side of Jesus The Christ or Your NOT!

There are many distractions right now in play.

Let's switch gears for a moment The Stars On Mars new TV Show.

They are going to Mars because they own it . They are showing and laughing in your face because there is full civilization already there. There is already pyramids there as well which they may activate in order to cause more destruction for their god of this world who is Yahweh, Jehovah Elohim aka Satan.

I AM Daughter of Pistis/Faith
I AM Daughter of Wisdom/Sophia
I AM Consort of Archangel Michael
I AM 144 Divine Judgement⚖️

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