Tiffany Montgomery on Youtube from Covered by God Using Curse Words and Sexually Explicit Language

11 months ago

Tiffany Montgomery on Youtube from Covered by God Ministry Using Curse Words and Sexually Explicit Language. Now i am not going to call Tiffany Montgomery False prophet. But if she claims to be in the office of a prophet she is called to much higher standards.

I would have let this slide. But she is very hardcore Pentecostal in her ministry. So if you live by the law then you die by the law

Advice to Tiffany:
-I would take the video down (don't know why you put it up in the first place)
-And take a short break from ministry

Advice to Tiffanies fans:
Ask for an apology and the video taken down

I'm not going to act Hollier than thou i might curse when really upset
But cursing on a public ministry live stream?
Cursing and praises should not come out of the same mouth
Leaders are called to higher standards

Tiphani Montgomery Video Link with Curse words:

#tiphanimontgomery #shockingnews #shortsyoutube


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