Daily Chess play - 1381 - Don't repeat the same mistake I made on Move 54 in Game 1

1 year ago

Note: My recording software crashed so my last 3 games weren't recorded. I came out pretty even at 1407 anyway so lost a rating point.

0:00 Game 1:
Move 54, I think this is where I make the mistake of going in when I should have stayed on f4. I resigned.

14:30 Game 2:
Move 37, I blundered my Rook onto c3 and he could have taken it but he missed it. Move 60, We have a 2 Queens vs Queen and Rook end game. I lose XD.

30:02 Game 3:
Move 30, Opponent makes a great move on b4 threatening checkmate and my Rook. I self mate myself by moving Bishop to b3 =/...

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