LiveGood Affiliate Program | Make Money Online & Work From Home

1 year ago

The LiveGood Affiliate Program

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In this video I talk about the LiveGood Affiliate Program.
Rough Transcript:
Hey there, thanks for stopping by the channel. My name is Shawn and this is the Shawn Show. Today I'll be talking about the LiveGood Affiliate program. With that said, let's dive in.

As mentioned, I'm talking about the LiveGood Affiliate program and why you should join.

The LiveGood Affiliate program is basically an ALMOST brand new affiliate program that started at the beginning of 2023 (or late 2022). It's (LiveGood) a health and wellness product platform where people can pay a tiny membership and get access to health and wellness products at a wholesale price. You don't HAVE to pay that membership and you can just buy the products at retail. That's fine too. Ultimately the goal is for you to save money on your health and wellness products.

It's much different than alot of these MLM, Affiliate, or Network Marketing platforms where they offer some sort of product that you have to get on auth-ship so they keep getting your money whether you need the product or not.

Livegood is also an amazing business opportunity for affiliates.

In terms of the affiliate program, if you have someone join it cost $40. This gets you your website, your back office, all the marketing materials, etc. You get 50 percent of that. So, if they join the Livegood affiliate program AND the monthly membership fee of $9.95 to get the Livegood products at wholesale then you make $24.95.

You can also learn on five other levels as well.

The LiveGood Affiliate Program

#LiveGoodAffiliateProgram #LiveGood #BecomeLiveGoodAffiliate

🔥🔥Take the Livegood Affiliate Program tour. Visit Link below:
00:00 Introduction
00:14 LiveGood Explained
01:02 LiveGood Affiliate Program
01:12 Program cost & payout
01:35 5 other ways to earn with Livegood

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