Reptil by John Catchpole and Angus Peter Allen. Episode Eight.

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Episode Eight.

Chaos and Destruction.

Summary: Thanks to Mark Bowen, the police know now the sinister secret of Professor Andros Androphis, who has the power to transform into a reptile and whose avowed purpose is to dominate the universe by terror!
But, despite all their efforts, Mark and Inspector Manning cannot prevent the terrifying character from forcing the officers and the soldiers of a tank regiment to submit to his will, and with whom he now marches on London.

How will the government react, Manning?
I do not know. At this moment there is a dramatic discussion in Parliament.

Indeed, in Parliament.
He is mad! Less crazy than you think, maybe!
We must send fighter-bombers, that's all!
Ordah! Ordah!
All I have to offer is my blood, sweat, toil and Body Odor!
Quiet please!

Page two:

It was now impossible for the authorities to keep secret the events that they no longer knew how to control.

And there is strong talk of sending fighter-bombers to stop the advance of the reptilian armour!
No! The boys who are in his tanks have nothing to do with it!
The government can't sacrifice them like this!

Already great demonstrations were organized.
Government Resign!
No planes against our unfortunate soldiers!

One last flash, Dave! The crowd is marching on parliament!
Who can predict what will happen?

Page three:

At the moment demonstrators are invading the base from where the intervention forces are supposed to take off!

No planes against our unfortunate soldiers!
If you try to take off, we will destroy your planes!

Mark Bowen and inspector Manning hovered over the mad crowd in a helicopter.
It is chaos Mark, and you would think professional agitators were happy to add fuel to the fire!

Chaos! That's just what this human snake wants, so he can rule over us.
Let us land! It is rotten down below!

Page four:

What are you orders sir?
We have orders to take off.
I know that very well.
But, can we shoot our brothers in arms in the tanks?

No! You will not be able to!
Let the government find another way to stop the armor and get rid of this Reptile!

Hey! A helicopter has just arrived!
Maybe we will have some fresh news?

Kindly, listen! I'm Inspector Manning from Scotland Yard.
I do not think you understand exactly who Reptile is.
Sure we know who it is inspector!
A crazy old professor with a clown costume!

Page five:

Not at all!
The professor, Mark Bowen, here.
Who was Professor Androphis' assistant will explain to you.

He was the assistant of this monster?
So he is definitely in cahoots with him!

Calm down, please, in the name of the law!
I am afraid that words are useless, my poor Manning.

What is this?

Page six:

Bon Jovi!
Its reptile with the tanks!
He is wanted dead or alive!

I am your master to all!
You owe me absolute obedience!

Good grief! The tanks are invading the airfield!
They aim their weapons against our aircraft!

Boom! Boom!
It’s wild in the streets!

Page seven:

Blam! Blam! Kaboom!
Let’s leave before they fire on us!
Save your selves!
Run for your lives! Head for the hills!

Hey! The government!
The government must do something quickly!
The government is far away, Manning.
It is up to us to act!

Reptile looks towards our helicopter.

The cannon of his tank swings towards us.

Page eight:

Demolish, hiss, that device!

At my command!

Huh! My blood is heating up in my veins!
My strength is ebbing!
I become a man again!

He is re-metamorphosing into a man again Manning!
We must seize this opportunity!
Alright Mark!

Page Nine:

Bowen, you young fool!
You will not get me! I have a bulb of my marvelous potion!

Your potion, here you are!
As Bowen throws a stone at the professor, knocking the potion from his hand.

Huh! No!

Page Ten:

You do not have me yet, little fool!

He had time to enter the tank and close the turret!

We still await your orders, master!
Will you shut up, you little fools?

The blood freezes in my veins! My strength grows, increases, multiplies!
I metamorphose!

No need to waste precious shells!
Driver! Reverse gear!

Page Eleven:

Damnation! Bowen He's falling off the tank!

Ha-ha-ha! He is at my mercy!

Crush it!


Page Twelve:


You will pay for that!
Sorry to upset you, Professor Androphis!

Hurry up! Hurry up! Hiss!
Aim this, hiss, piece, hiss, at those fools!

Oh! It is impossible to shoot them!
The other tanks can bear on them! Order everyone!
Cut off the route of these two men!

Page Thirteen:

I believe that we are baked!
Bang, bang!
Drop me, Manning!
I can stand on my legs very well!

Sorry Sergeant, but I have no choice!
Thwack! Argh!

Let us take shelter here.
Bang, bang!

What shelter?
Between the tanks! They will finally get us.
There is a solution!

Page Fourteen:

Let's pull the sergeant out of the hatch!

Eh? What, what are you doing?
I do not think we have much time to talk, Mark!

Excuse us!
We will have a nice chat about this later!
Smack! Thump! Whack!

And now Manning?

I once served in the "Royal Armored Corps”!
Let us see if I can still drive this kind of cart.

Page Fifteen:

Be careful when starting, Mark!
What are you going to do?

Give Reptile his own coin!
Do exactly as I tell you, Mark!

The next instant!

Are they cursed?
They will pay for this!

After that warning shot, let us finish it!
Watch out Manning!
Do not forget that there are perfectly innocent boys in that tank!

Page Sixteen:

Just a shot in the tracks, to stop that chariot.

Those idiots!
They will pay for that!
For the moment I have to slip away!
But I have not said my last word!

What is happening?
He threw smoke grenades.

Where did he go?
No idea.
With the powers at his disposal, he may very well be invisible in the vegetation.
He can take on their colors, like a chameleon!

Page Seventeen:

It was not Reptile's means of escaping Mark Bowen and the Inspector.
He was at their feet, in a drainpipe.

It is terribly narrow, even for me.

Not far away.
It is crazy, their trick!
Do you understand anything about it, Jeff?
First of all, tanks destroy our planes.
And then they shoot each other!

The radio, what does it say?
The most complete panic! London is upside down!
The government has barricaded itself in Whitehall.
This Reptile has wreaked havoc everywhere!

Exactly, young fool!
Eh! What is?

Page Eighteen:

And again, the secret ring of the terrible character spat twice its stupefying liquid.
Muf! Urgh!
Ha-ha-ha! Hiss! You are in my power, hiss!

At the same time.
We will have to take the crews of these tanks to the hospital, Mark!
They are like zombies, yes!
And, you will see, when they are no longer under the effect of the drug that the professor administered to them, they will not remember anything!

What's going on at the base?
A bomber is in motion! Attention!

He is heading towards us.

Page Nineteen:

Professor Androphis is on board!
Get down!


Where shall we take you, Master?
Ha-ha-ha! To London of course!
What a pity that we didn't reduce these little fools to a pulp!

So, according to you, there are bombs on board?
Of course, since it is one of the bombers which was to attack the tanks!
He is headed for London!

Page Twenty:

A little later, while dozens of military ambulances took away the soldiers of the still dazed tank crews.

Of course sir. But you still have to have the time.

They evacuate the capitol?
Do you know what the Prime Minister has imagined?
Someone would have to break into the reptile’s bomber.

It is quite simple of course!
Just land on a cloud and hitchhike when the cuckoo shows up!

There is a pilot here who is the king of acrobats.
One of the guys who perfected the technique of in-flight refueling at supersonic speeds.
I see!
You still have to find a guy crazy enough or with a death wish to be dropped on the bomber and.

Page Twenty-One:

It is all decided, Mark! You!
You know her Reptile well enough to stand up to him.
You have proven it.
Wait! Wait! Am I dreaming? Ou-la-la!

And, a little later.
It is a very small variant of in-flight refueling.
Of course you will be attached with a strong nylon rope.
Oh! Too kind!

I will deposit you on it like a flower, and all you have to do is punch a hole in the fuselage.
Of course.
It is childish, a piece of cake!

Truly Mark, you do not sense of.
Boof! I have embarked in the labor!
Might as well go all the way!

Page Twenty-Two:

And Now Master?
Head towards the center of the, hiss, city!
The first, hiss, bomb is to be dropped in Hyde Park, as a warning!

Here it is in front of us!
Your turn to play, Professor Bowen!
Play? Speak for yourself!

Good luck Mark!
Don’t mention it, Manning!
It is the only way to stop this madman.

If it was not me, it would be someone else then.
Attention, Mark!

Page Twenty-Three:

A few more feet!
Five, four, three, two, one!


At this speed, the wind has an incredible force.

Page Twenty-Four:

It cuts easier than I thought!

He is in!

I can cut the rope!
God be with you Mark!

Listen people of Great Britain!
It is Reptile, your master, who speaks to you!

Page Twenty-Five:

Here is my first and last warning!


Give me your submission, hiss, quickly or the next, hiss, bomb will be for parliament.
I am not joking!

I know Androphis that you never joke! I must hurry!

Page Twenty-Six:

Huh! A turbulent air pocket.
What is this! Bowen!

I don't know how you came here, you fool!
But I have you now!

He directs the bezel of his infernal ring towards me!

You are at my mercy!
I will.
You do not have too!

Page Twenty-Seven:

Curse you!

I have you, insane as you are!
Poor fool!
Who can boast of holding the reptile that I am!

I will not kill you!
You will be my slave until the end of your days!
His arm wraps around my neck like a snake!

Mark! Mark! Mark Bowen!
You hear me? Answer me!
Maybe his radio has been damaged, Inspector?

Page Twenty-Eight:

Hey! They are heading straight for the post office tower!

They will fly into it!


Page Twenty-Nine:

What is going on you fools!?

The crew members are like puppets!
You have to give them orders at all times, otherwise they will do anything!

Now the plane is crashing with its load of bombs!

Do something imbeciles!
Take back control of the horrible aircraft!

Page Thirty:

Now that they received orders, the pilots worked miracles to recover control, but.

The aircraft is perfectly ungovernable master!
There’s something wrong with the aircraft today!
The lightbulbs getting dim! We’re living on the edge!
I am cutting the switches!


Thrunk! Shrunk!

Page Thirty-One:

They made the plane dive towards the Thames!
The bombs did not explode!
And the people who were in it?
You can't see a living soul moving!

Hello! Hello!
Send ambulances!
Police boats, Helicopters.

During this time.
I was hiss, saved by the prodigious elasticity of my body.

Hiss, my plan did not yield the expected results.
But I have others, hiss, in mind!

While the Reptile escapes.
My Poor head!

Page Thirty-Two:

Already the cars are flowing.
We-we! We-we! We-we!

Aim your weapons at that gap!

Someone there!


Page Thirty-Three:

It is not him!
It's Professor Bowen!

Too late.


You killed him!
But! But! You said!

They killed Bowen!
And now they're so unhappy about it that they do not bother about me anymore!

Page Thirty-Four:

For now I will take my normal appearance then.

No trace of the Reptile?
The crew members took a nasty blow!

It is necessary to make a general alert to G Q for the recovery of Reptile.
But, Mister Bowen sir?

Page Thirty-Five:

Insane luck!
Just a scratch on the skull!
He’s living on a prayer!
Huh! It's the first time.
How glad I am to miss a target, sir!

A little later in a nearby hospital, Bad medicine is what Mark Bowen needs.

Glad to have you back whole, old man.
But Reptile has slipped through our fingers again.
And the crew members?

They have all kinds of small fractures on the right and on the left and the effects of the drug that Reptile administered to them are beginning to dissipate!
They are lucky guys too!
You have to expect everything from reptile!

He can attack anyone. From the queen! To the Prime Minister.

Yes! Reptile is capable of anything!
What is going to happen? Don't miss the next episode.

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