RMRR Episode 201: Ambassadors Serving Christ: Mark Roby

1 year ago

Recorded: 2023-06-05

Heath & Michael start off our Second Season with a new series, Ambassadors Serving Christ. This series focuses on those Ambassadors who give up their lives at home to serve Jesus in another field in a new country. Our first guest in this series is Michael's uncle, Mark Roby. Mark and his family have a story that's a little different than most, but one that is full of God's will, provision, timing and purpose. You won't want to miss this recount of their journey while Serving Christ.

DISCLAIMER: The views, information and opinions expressed by our guests are solely those of the guest(s) involved and do not necessarily reflect the official beliefs, policy or position of Rocky Mountain Revival Radio and its hosts.

With Love Custom Crafts: https://withlovecustomcrafts.com/

ByteTag: https://shop.bytetag.co/
Promo Code: RMRR15

Redemption Squad Ministry: https://redemptionsquadministry.org
P.O. Box 26198
Colorado Springs, CO 80936
(719) 313-8982

Valentine Comfort Shoes: http://www.valentinecomfortshoes.com/
2415 N. Union Blvd
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
(719) 471-7463

A very special shout out to Rachel Storment and Destiny Music/Destiny Church Worship for the use of their songs in today's episode. "Doing A New Thing" and "I Got Joy" are from their album, "Let The Church Say Amen". "Glorious Collide" & "Waterfall" are from their 2017 album, "Glorious Collide". "Fresh Wind" is from their Live Performances on YouTube. Please click their links and support Rachel and Destiny Music.

Destiny Music YouTube: (https://www.youtube.com/c/DestinyChurchWorship)
AppleMusic: Destiny Music (https://music.apple.com/us/artist/destiny-music/1651883373)
AppleMusic: Destiny Church Worship (https://music.apple.com/us/artist/destiny-church-worship/1077622014)

RMRR Website: https://rmrr.live
RMRR & Waymaker Merch Store: https://shop.rmrr.live
RMRR News & Press Release Page: https://rmrr.live/news-press-releases/
RMRR Podcast Directory Link: https://rmrr.live/2022/11/01/rmrr-available-via-podcast/
RMRR LinkTree (All The Socials): https://linktr.ee/rmrr
RMRR CashApp: https://cash.app/$RockyMtnRevivalRadio
RMRR Tithe.ly: https://tithe.ly/give?c=7239743
RMRR Venmo: http://www.venmo.com/u/RockyMtnRevivalRadio

Prayer Requests: prayer@rmrr.live
Host Heath: host.heath@rmrr.live
Co-Host Michael: cohost.michael@rmrr.live

00:00:00 - Intro & Title Cards
00:01:14 - Welcome & Host Check-ins
00:03:32 - Housekeeping (website, socials, prayer, podcasts, donations)
00:07:30 - Commercial: With Love Custom Crafts
00:08:40 - Commercial: ByteTag
00:11:52 - Commercial: Redemption Squad Ministry
00:14:52 - Commercial: Valentine Comfort Shoes
00:18:20 - Special Guest Introduction
00:18:34 - Special Guest Roll-In Video
00:18:54 - Main Show Content/Teaching/Testimony/Etc.
01:56:37 - Closing Prayer
01:57:09 - Thank You & Goodbye To Mark
01:58:09 - Alter Call/Salvation Prayer
02:03:14 - Michael's Final Thoughts
02:05:18 - Heath's Final Thoughts
02:06:39 - Thank You & Closing Housekeeping
02:08:57 - Thank You & Sign Off
02:09:09 - Ending Credits

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