Masculinity Crisis (The Struggles of Young Men)!

1 year ago

Hormones are the harpsichord that despots dance to. Feelings are currency to the Cravens. The worst decisions you will make are when you’re emotional. The reaction will be short-sighted and lack sufficient justification. The hormones of young men turn them into the Tasmanian devil. This force could be used to conquer the world; however, the powers in play are so clever they convince you this power is akin to a disease; thus, you end up fighting yourself while simultaneously attempting to vanquish the villains who stand in your way. Abraham Lincoln said, “A house decided against itself cannot stand.” You, my friend, are no different. The toxic masculinity and misandrist culture carefully crafted by the spawn of the witch, Bella Abzug, has neurologically neutralized the men of America and the entire Western world. Young men of America must know that youth is wasted upon the young. The idea that you have time to decipher your destiny leads you down the yellow brick road to self-destruction. Your ambition is the antidote to your anxiety. Embrace your desire to conquer the world, and do not falter in the face of adversity. Believing in yourself will free you from the chains the powers at play place upon you.

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