Walking back to Choi’s family history

1 year ago

Video: Walking back to Choi’s family history. I still missed growing up eating fresh fish everyday, attended and graduated from Rosaryhill School 回憶蔡家香港古居, 少時工人到對面街避風塘或街市買魚, 天天有新鮮魚吃! 在玫瑰崗天主教英文學校畢業

The 3 stories mansion (9 Gordon Rd, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong) across from the fishing boats typhoon shelter at Victoria Park where my grandfather bought it, my father and I grew up until when I was age 10, my grandfather sold it. 維多利亞公園漁船避風塘對面的 3 層豪宅(香港銅鑼灣歌頓道9號) 是我祖父購買, 父親和我長大的地方, 在我10歲時祖父把它賣掉.

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