Creation of Heaven || and || Earth || Jewish Beliefs.

1 year ago

Creation of heaven and earth

God created the earth and the sky in the beginning, then the earth was desolate and desolate.

The ocean was dark and the Spirit of God was moving over the water.

Then God said let there be light and there was light
Then God saw that the light was good.

Then God separated the light from the darkness, then God called the light day, and the darkness became night and evening and dawn, then the first one was created.

And God said that there should be an air between the waters so that the water can be separated from the water.

Then God made the firmament and separated the water under the firmament from the water above the firmament, and so it was, and God made the firmament the firmament, and there was evening and morning, and there was another day.

And God said that the water under the sky would be gathered into one place so that dry land could be seen, and so it happened, and God called the dry land Earth and the water that was forbidden.

God called it the sea and saw that it was good.

And God said, Let the earth, grass, and seed-bearing plants, and fruit-bearing trees bear fruit according to their kind, and let them grow on the earth by themselves, and it was so.

Then the earth brought forth grass and fruit trees with seeds in them according to their kind, and God saw that it was good.

And there was evening and there was morning, and then there was the third day.

God said that there should be light on the firmament to separate the day from the night and that it should be for the distinction of signs and times, days and years.

And they are for lights in the sky to shine on the earth and this is what happened, then God made two big bright lights.

A great sun to rule the day

And do one Asghar Moon to rule the night

And He also made the stars and God placed them in the sky to give light on the earth and to rule over the day and the night and to separate the light from the darkness and God saw that it was good.

And evening came and morning came, then the fourth day was over.

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