About #WhatIsAWoman and the Root of our Political Degeneration

1 year ago

A hermetic Theory of Everything: https://youtu.be/8BjCpLh_myY

I was watching the documentary "What is a woman?" yesterday. A great documentary that I can recommend to everyone. It made me realize the core problem of the political dilemma.

It's actually quite simple. The reason is that the science of the mind and mental phenomena does not exist in the natural science and our modern society. It is a science that has not yet been recognized and understood by mankind.

We understand physics as something cold mathematical. But what we do not understand metaphysics through a cold mathematical logic.
This is a problem. We often speak politically of universal human rights, but we have no mathematical model to explain the reason at all.

Mankind actually does not know why ethics exists and what the scientific root of it is. Many people talk about ethics, but no one can really answer why. So, why equal rights at all? Because it sounds nice and our empathy makes us think that it is right? That's not a scientific argument. Science doesn't need feelings. They have no role there. The earth doesn't orbit the sun because it feels good. The apple doesn't fall to the ground because it loves the earth and wants to get to it.

My Theory of Everything is about a universal pattern behind things, with which not only the political visions can be analyzed, but also the sciences.

There is the exoteric science. In it we find the material concepts such as physics, chemistry and biology.
Then there is esoteric science. In it we find the mental concepts, such as metaphysics, alchemy and ethics.

In the physical world, things are individually separated entities and the concepts of freedom and independence apply.
In the metaphysical world, things are all part of the same structure. There, everything is linked together and the concepts of equality and connectedness apply.

Ethics is not a physical science, but a mental one. But the knowledge of mental phenomena is not understood. It does not really exist as a scientific field, which is understood in the same cold, rational and mathematical way as physics.
This then leads to the fact that most people in ethics simply rationalize their subjective gut feelings to objective truths and get away with it, because there is no scientifically known model, that works with clear definitions, which are free from emotional subjectivity.

If a Flat Earther explains something of physics, then we notice the nonsense, because we understand enough of physics and know models which disprove these wrong conclusions.
If someone says there that gravity does not exist and the apple falls on the ground, because there is just down. Then in the science people are smart enough to recognize that the statement is too simple. The apple falls to the ground because of a natural force. Without the natural force it would not fall. This natural force can also be represented in mathematical equations and applied to computer models.
If we didn't already understand physics so well, one could get away with wrong statements easily because no one understands that there are natural forces at work that can be rationally understood.

We don't understand ethics and the mind the way we understand physics. This leads to the fact that there are many people who can tell all kinds of nonsense there without it being clearly disproved, because we lack the mathematical understanding.
The world of ethics and science on the mind is full of Flat Minder who can give irrational lectures on morality and the mind.
We are in humanity there on the level of Flat Earthers who give lectures on physics.

This is the root of the political problems, the political division and also that there are now strong political movements and ideologues who are totally confused with the question "what is a woman?".

In the nature of esoteric and exoteric science we find in the political visions of left and right. Those who follow my work already understand that the duality of left and right is an illusion and that both actually look from two different directions, at one and the same thing.

The right wing is rooted in a biological view of society. The left wing in a mental one.
Since metaphysics is not understood as a science that is mathematical and logical, like physics, all kinds of problems arise. The idea of a universal human right is currently based on emotions, which are not explained in coldly rational principles that could be applied to computer models.

In biology, gender is easily defined. If the human being is considered from the mental perspective, it is not so easy, because the rational science of it, does not yet exist as a scientific field.
This leads then to the fact that one is no longer able to explain there what a woman is.
One serves the field of esoteric science, but has no clear definitions of what it all means. There is no rational concept for analysis. That's why they go around in circles and work with circular definitions.

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