Controlled Opposition - Woke, Anti-Woke & Conspiracy Theorists

10 months ago

A hermetic Theory of Everything:
My theory is not only about a passive pattern which is superior to all things, but it is also about mind control & how to actively split the population into inverted perceptions to create two controlled oppositions.
In my video "political science is a cult" I criticize the side which is leaning towards globalism and the World Economic Forum. In my video "blueprint for necromancy" I try to criticize both sides neutrally and shoot in both directions. There I describe the left controlled opposition as a cult and the right controlled opposition as anti-cult.
What is missing now is a video in which I direct my eyes specifically to the anti-cult to create a harmonic balance.
It is important to understand how emotional programming works. It's actually quite simple and we find it in advertising. One shows situations and music that trigger an emotion. Then the product or brand name is shown. If this is done often enough, the emotion is tied to the brand name and every time the logo or product is seen, the emotion is triggered again. For example, you show a happy family, which experiences beautiful moments together and then eat a yogurt. Then you tell how great it is when the family has their yogurt time. If one sees this often enough, one connects this yogurt with the warm and safe feeling of being in a healthy family.
Basically, this works much like indoctrinating dogs with a clicker. Every time you give the dog a snack, you click. If this is done often enough, the click sound is enough to trigger the dog's positive emotion.
So a connection is created between an emotion and something else that actually has nothing to do with each other. The click sound is not a snack at all, and you don't become a happy family by eating brand-name yogurt together. One brings something under one frame, which actually has nothing to do with each other.
This is exactly the pattern of political propaganda and mind control. This is exactly how the controlled oppositions are constructed and controlled. One divides the world of perception and political ideas into two binary categories, always showing people all the extreme and inhumane ideas of one side and the good ideas of the other side. At some point, people then associate positive emotions with one wing and negative emotions with the other. Since everything has two sides and the visions can be divided into a pro-life element and an anti-life element, two oppositions can be created that evaluate these two categories inverted to each other.
This video is specifically about the people who are averse to the system. To explain this better, the graphic I show at the beginning of my Theory of Everything is very suitable. So the handling of information. In this example the graphic refers to the current political system.
If a totalitarian system is established, one must manipulate the population into the outer left element. It is tried that they follow the state naively and no longer critically question it.
But this does not work for everyone. A large part of the population will reject the political system and be critical of it simply out of the nature of things.
These will accurately recognize the naivety of many people.
They assume that there is an evil intent behind the state and that people there are working together to deprive the population of its right to self-determination. People assume that there is a conspiracy. Conspiracies exist, of course, and there will always be people who, out of egoistic self-interest, try to enrich themselves from the naivety of others. All people who reject the system are a danger for the ruling ones, because they have an interest to change and abolish the current system.
This is against the interest of the ruling ones who profit from the current system and hold positions of power.
This is where indoctrination & framing of emotions with terms and ideas comes into play. One must try to program the people who are averse to the system an even greater aversion to a new system. The Old Order should be preserved and a New World Order must be prevented at all costs. This can be done by linking the idea of a new world order with strongly negative emotions in the circles of conspiracy theorists. What if the so-called New World Order is not a totalitarian political system at all, but a libertarian one in which individuals are protected from totalitarian control freaks and the conspiracy theorists are manipulated with mind control to program an emotional trigger against a new system so that a totalitarian order can continue to be slowly built in which people have to pay taxes to Epstein psychopaths? Why do you think such videos dominate in conspiracy theory circles and are so heavily promoted there? Do you think they wouldn't try to manipulate the conspiracy theorists? Do you want a system dominated by corruption & sexual predators to be maintained, or would it be better if it were replaced by a new order?

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