Seal of God?! The Adventist Church is Wrong About the Sabbath w/ Dr. Brant Bosserman

1 year ago

The Pope changed the Sabbath? Seventh-Day Sabbath is God's seal? Sunday is the Mark of the Beast?

Dr. Brant Bosserman, pastor of Trinitas Presbyterian Church in Mill Creek, WA, joins me to discuss the Seventh-Day Adventist Church's view of the Seventh-day Sabbath and some of the charges they make about Christian's having no Biblical basis for worshiping on Sunday. Is this true? Is worshiping on Sunday a product of the papacy and Constantine? Is it pagan in origin? The seal of God? All of this and more as we discuss these claims in light of the biblical evidence.

Dr. Bosserman’s article on the Resurrection timeline:
The Gospel of Jesus Christ:
Man has broken God’s Law (Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:8) and our sin has separated us from our Maker (Isaiah 59:2). In His grace, God entered into His own creation in the person of Jesus Christ (John 1:1-14; Col. 1:19), born of a virgin (Matt. 1:23), and lived a perfect and sinless life, fulfilling all the Law’s demands (2 Cor. 5:21; Matt. 5:17), on a mission by God the Father to save sinners from condemnation (John 3:16-18, 6:37-40). He paid the penalty for sin which is death (Romans 6:23) and bore the sins of His people in His body on a cross (1 Peter 2:24), making propitiation by His blood (Romans 3:25). He died, was buried, and resurrected in the same body He died in on the third day for our justification (1 Cor. 15, Romans 4:25; Luke 24:39). By a living faith (James 2:18) in the Person and Work of Jesus (Romans 10:9-10), God graciously declares a person righteous (Romans 4:5), they are reconciled to their Creator (Romans 5:10-11), sealed with the Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:13), and have peace with God (Romans 5:1). They are born again of the Spirit (1 John 5:1, Titus 3:5), adopted into His family (Eph. 4:5–7), and are granted eternal resurrection life in Jesus Christ (1 John 5:11), set free to do good works that please Him (Eph. 2:10; 1 John 2:3-4). Jesus will physically return one day to judge the living and the dead (1 Peter 4:5; Acts 24:15; John 5:24-5) but His people will be spared from the wrath to come (1 Thess. 1:10) to dwell in union with God forever (Rev. 21:3).

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