Newt Gingrich Fox and Friends Jan 21 2020 Mitch McConnell Clip 3

4 years ago

Newt Gingrich appeared on Fox New's Fox and Friends on January 21, 2020 Clip 3 of 4. In this clip, Newt discusses Mitch McConnell success as Senate Majority Leader vs Chuck Schumer.
Well, look, you have to start with the simple reality. Mitch McConnell currently has more capability of leading the senate than anybody in my lifetime. So, take, for example, the very crucial issue of judges. It's 187 judges plus two supreme court justices to zero for Schumer. So, from the standpoint of Schumer, every week he gets up, he goes in McConnell dominates all week long. And then after the weekend, they go back, and they do this again. The most that Schumer has going right now is whining. He doesn't have a case to make. So, he is going to whine for a while. Well you can't blame him. He has got to do something, or people won't think he is their leader.

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