Dr. Robert Young - 5G in Conjunction With the COVID Shot Allows for Tracking and Tracing

1 year ago

Jun 05, 2023
Source: www.brighteon.com/0253c6fb-99ae-4e30-82b4-17f2c6df7aed

What’s in the COVID shot that was quickly pushed upon the American public? Dr. Robert Young is dropping a bomb on the mainstream narrative that they were safe and effective. A noted research scientist and author, Robert explains the deadly effects of graphene oxide found in the COVID shots, as well as the integral part 4G and 5G technology play in the tracking and tracing of every American who received the jab. Robert reveals the dirty details behind the U.S. patent on the COVID shot, the embedded antennas within the inoculations, and the reality that humans cannot survive this transhuman merge of technology and viral poison. The only way to remove the threat is to destroy the technology that is facilitating the jab agenda, he says.

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