JAGUAR - muscular assassin from South America! Jaguar vs caiman, capybara, and anaconda!

1 year ago

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The territory of the jaguar extends from Central America to northern Argentina. But the main population lives in the tropical forests of Brazil, where the largest jaguars live. In the Pantanal Reserve, the weight of adult males is about 100 kg, but sometimes some individuals weigh up to 120 kg or even more. Females are generally smaller and lighter.

The jaguar is a very muscular wild cat. Outwardly like a leopard but has a more robust body structure and massive paws. This predator is a real feline pit bull since its bite force is greater than that of a lion or tiger. Jaguars, when hungry, can bite the shell of a turtle and the skull of a reasonably large alligator.

In the tropical rainforests of South America, there is also a black jaguar or, as the people say, a black panther. The black color of the coat is a manifestation of melanism, a genetic color variant associated with a gene mutation.

The panther does not always have a pronounced black color. If you look closely, the wool is covered with spots of various dark shades, which creates a visible impression of black. This mutation occurs more frequently among leopard and jaguar populations that live in dense jungle areas.

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