Gene Decode Introducing Lemmy from Gene's coordination team

1 year ago

This interview is a little different to the usual interview content that we usually talk about. Gene introduces Lemmy from Gene's coordination team and he unpacks a few topics often overlooked in the truther community. Such as, divine femine/masculine vs mind energy/toxic masculine/feminine energy, how the manipulation of society has blurred gender roles, and the goal with this crazy dystopian multi gender agenda that the satanists have set forth for humanity, and how we can overcome their inversion tactics/black magic/trickery to live through our heart and encourage the best relationships through heart energy as well as better our personal health, work through past traumas/negative experiences, letting go of old energies that no longer serve you, and how loving yourself first can cause us to become service to others much more effectively with passion and vibrant energy. Gene also discusses the how to the why with the current seemingly slow crash to global markets, and how we can manifest the best timeline through our collective thoughts, intentions and relationship with God. We all make a difference to the outcome collectively with Divine Source Creator (God) working in concert with us when we broadcast the intention through prayer and/or meditation. Enjoy the chat and God Bless patriots.

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