Abnormal Surge of Brain Abscesses in American Children, CDC Says

1 year ago

Cases of brain abscess in children are recognized as a severe complication of viral respiratory infection in children. Following the easing of pandemic restrictions in 2022, respiratory viruses rose worldwide. In particular, cases of influenza and RSV surged to new heights, joining COVID-19 in a phenomenon that came to be known as the "tripledemic".
The cause of this, according to infectious disease expert Christopher Gill of Boston University, was a sort of rebound effect from the low infection rates during the height of pandemic restrictions.
"Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, in the past several years, we saw major declines in the incidence and impact of RSV and influenza. That was good, but also meant that the population was NOT acquiring as much herd immunity to those other viruses," he said in December 2022....
Read between the lines, herd immunity and natural immunity matter now but not two years ago ......

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