Daily Chess play - 1408 - Gained a winning position on Move 16 of Game 1.

1 year ago

0:00 Game 1:
Move 11, My Bishop is hanging on b2 but Opponent doesn't see it. Move 16, I take Knight with Knight on f6 and Check. I think at this point, it's already Game Over. He takes my Knight with pawn and I take it back with Queen. He tries to delay me or hoping I pre-move my Queen. I checkmate him regardless.

7:11 Game 2:
Move 19, I blunder my Rook on d2 not seeing Knight can take =/. I then hang my Bishop on e4 on the next move. I lose very quickly afterwards.

20:42 Game 3:
Even Game all the way through. Ended up Drawing the Game.

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