Honey - 9 Reasons to put it in your daily diet and reap its benefits.

1 year ago

Honey is a natural product produced by bees from the nectar of flowers. It is rich in nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes. They also contain natural sugars such as glucose and fructose which provide the body with energy. There are many ways to incorporate honey into your diet. It can be consumed pure, added to teas, juices, vitamins and, among other things, used as an ingredient in recipes for cakes, breads and desserts. It is important to remember that honey is a food rich in sugar and should be consumed in moderation. Honey has nutritional and medicinal properties that provide several health benefits, as it is rich in antioxidants, which can protect cells from premature aging, regulate triglyceride and cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of fatty deposits in the arteries and the risk of develop heart disease. Honey also helps lower blood pressure, has antibacterial properties, fights fungal, viral and bacterial infections, soothes sore throats and coughs, for example, and can be used as a natural sweetener. However, despite all these benefits, honey should be consumed in moderation, as it is still high in calories and sugar, especially if consumed in excess, which can contribute to weight gain and blood sugar disorders.

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