Miles Guo Is A Major Obstacle In The Way of CCP And DOJ’s Attempt To Destroy Dissidents

1 year ago

06/04/2023【NFSC 3rd Anniversary 】Cara Castronuova (GETTR:@CARACASTRONUOVA), Newsmax host, said Miles Guo is politically persecuted in America. John Tabacco (GETTR:@johntabacco), Newsmax host, said there are many parallels in China to what the U.S. government did during the lockdowns and we need to protect the country from being like that anymore. Kevin Alan (GETTR:@thekevinalanshow) said the CCP and the DOJ think if they can destroy Mr. Guo, they will destroy all the dissidents, so we have to fight for him. #NFSC #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
06/04/2023【新中国联邦三周年】 大全新闻台主持人卡拉·卡斯特罗诺娃说,郭文贵先生在美国受到政治迫害。大全新闻台主持人约翰·塔巴科表示,美国政府在疫情封控期间的作为与中共的作为多有相似之处,我们需要保护美国,使其不再陷入如此境地。凯文·艾伦说,中共和美国司法部认为,如果他们能毁掉郭先生,他们就能毁掉所有异见人士,因此我们必须为他抗争。 #新中国联邦 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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