I'm Embarrassed of Some of My Past Work... Here's Why

1 year ago

Why have I openly changed my views or opinions on things? It's because I think it's a sign of getting better and self-improvement. This is inspired, actually, I'm sitting here at my computer rewriting a bunch of stuff that I wrote for our business, and at the time I thought it was great. I was really proud of the work that I did.

Now looking back, I'm sitting here reading this, I'm like, this is absolute garbage. I could do so much better. And I realized that in doing work, if we're not like embarrassed by what we put out at first, It means we didn't grow. So look back on yourself. Look back on your own sales. I look back on my own work, my own output, and I realized I thought it was good then.

And if you still think it's good now, that's a sign that you haven't grown. You should be a little embarrassed. You should feel like you could have done better. That's the real sign of growth, questioning yourself and always wanting to get better. So I'm gonna go eat a slice of humble pie and polish up this turd.

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