Newt Gingrich | Fox Business Channel's Mornings with Maria | April 11 2023

1 year ago


Well, I mean who knows? It could be if it was rational and thought out it could be -- once you become official candidate you go under federal election commission rules and you have a different set of problems for example if you fly air force one into a rally somewhere, all gets charged to your presidential campaign if you are not yet a candidate, that can be official trip -- so a lot of practical reasons if you are incumbent running as late as possible is a perfectly rationale behavior, an, of course, he is getting to tease people remind his party that he is the most formidable Democrat the first keep you have to win party nominations to get to the general election as of right now if Biden is prepared to run again I think he will be the nominee, I don't think there is much any democrat could do to stop him.


Look. She doesn't have any idea what she is talking about either so you two are even, the fact is the fact is, her job is to stand up there, and take the shots, and smile, and the truth is it doesn't matter the news media don't like to hear this but the fact is if Joe Biden doesn't have another press conference gets he gets nominated he is democratic nominee that is his call not anybody else's. Dave Gergen told me one time after years of serving both democratic and Republican presidents that the biggest mistake they made was allowing the media decide what their agenda was, he said the truth is in between elections we get to decide the agenda, we are the elected officials, And I think, Biden has a particular approach now, the problem for Biden is those recent polls show only one third of the country thinks he ought to be reelected that is beginning to get into a dangerous area, where somebody who has courage could run in the early primaries potentially be a spoiler, remember, in 1968 Lyndon Johnson looked inevitable until Gene McCarthy did very, very well in New Hampshire and 20 days later Johnson withdrew from the race. So, you can’t tell, if the economy continues to be very weak, if the problems we have around the world continue to grow, if the southern border stays open, if we continue to have level of crime we have you can imagine a circumstance where Biden would face a really serious opponent in the democratic primary then he would be in a different business.


Well, look, remember, that between Hunter Biden's activities, and the degree to which the Chinese communists financed the Biden centers both at the University Delaware and university of Pennsylvania. And the fact the secretary of state actually ran the Penn Biden Center which the Chinese has funded. There are a lot of good reasons, for the Biden team to be relatively pleasant about China they've had a good relationship it has been very profitable, you know things like the diamond given to Hunter Biden by a Chinese billionaire. Recently saw a three-million-dollar check out of Chinese company to three Bidens, they have done a lot of very nice, warm ties to China, and also, this is a very left wing administration, the most left wing administration in American history, they don't believe in American exceptionalism they don't believe in strong America when they see for example Brazil China sign a detail for soybeans paid for in Chinese yuan rather than American dollars they are not affected they don't think dollar should not be the dominant policy in the world that is very left wing very weak America being very soft on opponents kind of administration. This is a huge problem for America as they preside over our decline as a country.


Look, I think you have to recognize the real issue here is that their left and the establishment are terrified of Donald Trump. They are going to do anything they can to destroy him, the constant bombardment has clearly had an effect it may not have had a big enough effect to stop him from being nominee and the question is if Trump can win nomination, can he then pivot and make a case that Biden is so incompetent and the danger to the country is so great that even though you may or may not like Trump personally you know his policies are radically better for America than the policies of Joe Biden. And I think that is the gamble Trump people are taking but the left is doing, we are now a lawless country, what Bragg did district attorney in New York did outside the law it is to let irrational it is an act of political vengeance. You saw this in Wisconsin where the left bought a supreme court seat when billionaires around the country pour millions of dollars in they outspent Republicans by 6 or 7 to 1, the fact is these are purchased judges no longer involved in the rule of law.

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