The Information War Is Not News To UK Column Viewers - UK Column News

1 year ago

- Telegraph: Exclusive: Ministers had ‘chilling’ secret unit to curb lockdown dissent 
- Question From Lucy Powell on Coronavirus: Disinformation
- Crime Minister Chris Philp answers:
“The Cross-Whitehall Counter Disinformation Unit (CDU) was established on 5 March 2020, bringing together cross-government monitoring and analysis capabilities. As of 7 January 2022 the CDU is still fully operational.”
- UK Gov: Counter-Disinformation Unit—Privacy notice
- Carnegie UK Trust: Mis/disinformation
- Sir Christopher Chope MP asks: When the rapid response unit was disbanded and what happened to the information it collected?
- UK Government: Responding to Russia’s invasion: The information war
- RESIST 2 Counter Disinformation Toolkit (PDF)
- Andrew Neil forgets he cheered on the tyranny; blocks Twitter user who reminded him

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