June 5, 2023

1 year ago

March 30, 2020, 3 days after CIC Trump Federalized 1 million National Guard to Active-Duty, which is a direct Military Order PLUS signed Executive Order, 13912, 10 US Code 1209, which has been extended to March 2024, says ALL you need to know about the “jab” CIC Trump “pushes.” If you’re drama filled, won’t read, won’t listen, haven’t been following or understand the origin of what’s been put into place via the CORE of Military and Federal Laws and Orders… you’re going to look like a pure FOOL in which the Bible spells out vividly. Take yourself back to March 2020. The first mention of Covid to the public was February 4, 2020, in the State of Union address by DONALD JOHN TRUMP but noooo 99% of drama filled Americans only remember Pelosi tearing up the speech. Governors, Attorney Generals, Judges, Lawyers, Presidents of Hospitals, Hospital Boards, Doctors, Nurse Practitioners and others can and will be held accountable for administering ANYTHING that went against Orders of the President. 🤷🏽‍♂️ What did you hear? I heard private sector companies donating 36 million doses of Hydroxychloroquine and 1 million Chloroquine administered to U.S. Government and Hospitals 🤭 But nobody listened to us “conspiracy theorists” 🤷🏽‍♂️ Now look at all of the deaths of perfectly healthy people after the 👉🏻Public👈🏻 Sector jabs. Thank you Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and Pfizer. And thank your Hospitals, Doctors, Nurses for administering anything other than Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine. MAJORITY of those clearly and blatantly violated the Laws and Orders in place which can be and many will be tried for Crimes Against Humanity. Ain’t nobody’s fault but Americans who won’t understand the roles of President, Congress, Courts, and Individual Responsibilities. Shoot the messenger all you want. But Military is separate from Civilian sectors. Military has our own medical research and vaccines. Why did President Trump go to a Military Installation for treatment? 🤭🔥🇺🇸 #ORIGIN
1776 Nation Original




March 30, 2020, 3 days after CIC Trump Federalized 1 million National Guard to Active-Duty, which is a direct Military Order PLUS signed Executive Order, 13912, 10 US Code 1209, which has been extended to March 2024, says ALL you need to know about the “jab” CIC Trump “pushes.”
If you’re drama filled, won’t read, won’t listen, haven’t been following or understand the origin of what’s been put into place via the CORE of Military and Federal Laws and Orders… you’re going to look like a pure FOOL in which the Bible spells out vividly.
Take yourself back to March 2020. The first mention of Covid to the public was February 4, 2020, in the State of Union address by DONALD JOHN TRUMP but noooo 99% of drama filled Americans only remember Pelosi tearing up the speech.
Governors, Attorney Generals, Judges, Lawyers, Presidents of Hospitals, Hospital Boards, Doctors, Nurse Practitioners and others can and will be held accountable for administering ANYTHING that went against Orders of the President. 🤷🏽‍♂️
What did you hear? I heard private sector companies donating 36 million doses of Hydroxychloroquine and 1 million Chloroquine administered to U.S. Government and Hospitals 🤭
But nobody listened to us “conspiracy theorists” 🤷🏽‍♂️
Now look at all of the deaths of perfectly healthy people after the 👉🏻Public👈🏻 Sector jabs. Thank you Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and Pfizer.
And thank your Hospitals, Doctors, Nurses for administering anything other than Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine.
MAJORITY of those clearly and blatantly violated the Laws and Orders in place which can be and many will be tried for Crimes Against Humanity.
Ain’t nobody’s fault but Americans who won’t understand the roles of President, Congress, Courts, and Individual Responsibilities.
Shoot the messenger all you want. But Military is separate from Civilian sectors. Military has our own medical research and vaccines.
Why did President Trump go to a Military Installation for treatment?


The movie was supposed to be given back to Nix or his heirs in 1988.

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The UPI gave the video to the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1978. The assassination of President Kennedy was the result of a conspiracy, according to the report of the committee.

The video is being kept at the National Archives, although Nix’s family has expressed a desire to have their film returned.

According to The New York Post:

For a 25-year license, the UPI press office paid Nix $5,000 in 1963, which is equivalent to $50,000 today. Nix gave UPI his reel, with the promise that it would be returned in 1988.
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