Miles Guo and Whistleblowers’ Movement gathering strength under setbacks to erupt when time is right

1 year ago

06/04/2023【NFSC 3rd Anniversary 】LaoBanZhang(GETTR: @laobangzhang) shares the message from Brother Caogen: My experience is in line with the overall trend of our Whistleblowers’ Movement: rother Miles Guo and the Whistleblowers’ Movement encountered setbacks, but we just transformed into a different form, continuing to gather strength and waiting for the opportune moment to erupt. I believe there will be good news from Brother Miles in the coming week, and then the Whistleblowers’ Movement will truly reach a higher level. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
06/04/2023【新中国联邦三周年】 老班长(GETTR: @laobangzhang)分享草根来信:我的这段经历也是应了爆料革命整体的大势:七哥、爆料革命遇到了挫折,但实际只是换了一种形态,继续在凝聚力量,等待时机勃发。我相信未来一周七哥那边一定会有好消息的,到那时爆料革命才会达到真正更高的境界。 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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