Protect the Children - Invasion USA - CRTC Censorship

1 year ago

Why Is the Left Obsessed With Children and Sexuality?

What is it with Leftists and their obsession with children and sexuality?

Seriously, on just about every aspect of sexuality, the Left has it wrong. Their preferred policies have already done incredible amounts of individual, familial and societal damage, and yet they keep pushing for more — and getting away with it.

It's bad enough when those negatively affected are adults. But children are increasingly the targets — and the victims — of these policies.

Transgenderism: A Leftist Weapon Against the Family

The Los Angeles Times recently published an approving article about schools’ introducing kindergartners to gender dysphoria (otherwise known as transgenderism). This topic has been much in the news lately, especially after a California charter school — without notifying parents — held a “gender-reveal ceremony” for a confused little boy. The teacher then read to the other children, now confused as well but for other reasons, from a book written by a dysphoric teenager. The Times thinks this is all fine because “experts” from the radical Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) say it is.

Pride Month and Why Schools Are Sexualizing Children

Our son was verbal as a toddler and still is today at 34. He hit the “why” stage at about 3 ½ – you know, when a young child learns something new and then they want to know why.

US Birth Rate Falling Below Biden’s Migrant Invasion Numbers

Don’t worry, folks. The border is “calm”, the New York Times proclaims. America has been invaded by 7.5 million illegal migrants, with numbers soaring exponentially and the Biden administration is congratulated for how “calm” the process is. 😡 😤#Betrayal

— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) May 13, 2023

Texas counties declare ‘invasion’ during border crisis: ‘We’re being invaded’

Several Texas counties declared a border “invasion” on Tuesday in a move to pressure the state’s governor to issue a similar declaration.

The statement doesn’t grant the counties any kind of additional legal authority and may not even be legal — but officials hoped it would bring attention to the border crisis.

Minister criticized as CRTC weighs which platforms to be covered by controversial streaming bill

CRTC also asking for input on what kind of contributions online platforms will need to make in support of the Canadian broadcast system

Justin Trudeau is trying to control what Canadians see on the internet

The internet has been one of the greatest tools for the free flow of information in human history. But for our neighbors up north, it might not remain so useful for much longer — if Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gets his way.

Trudeau and his allies are pushing forward with legislation known as the “Online Streaming Act” that would enact government mandates controlling what Canadians see on major online platforms such as YouTube.

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