How to make a Kings Mover stand up

1 year ago

How to make a Kings Mover stand up.

Defeating a Kings mover can be a tricky task. For the inexperienced armwrestler, a solid Kings move will fool you into burning yourself out with repeated side pressure attacks.

The real key is patience and not being blinded or panicked by the urge to try and pin your opponent.

To defeat the Kings move with a high degree of efficiency you need to understand what it is that is keeping he Kings mover in the game. The answer to that is his pronation. A Kings mover survives on the back of his pronation.

Therefore, to most efficiently achieve victory, hit for position to open the Kings mover up, then transition forward with your own high pronated side pressure. Don't drive for a pin, you will likely lose your hand. Just focus on creating a blocking force on the offensive side that disables the Kings movers ability to get outside and around your hand. From there, count to 5 and the Kings mover will pin themselves.

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