The US Military are in FULL CONTROL Worldwide, The No.33

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The US Military are in FULL CONTROL Worldwide.

Tonights show will completely confirm that we are in the middle of the biggest Sting Operation we have ever seen.

We have all been pawns to this game and we are watching the end of a Full Military Controlled world wide Clean out from Dark evil forces

This all dates back to The Constitution and everything we are experiencing is connected back to George Washington and the brave men who were all Freemasons

The story we have been told and the narrative we have been shown has been controlled by us all the way through.

We have to zoom out as high as we can to see the Moves and Counter Moves

The War has continued and it really has been a game of battle ships and battle grounds

The deep state players have continued to believe they are in control and calling the shots when in fact there is another layer behind where we have been mirroring everything they have been doing

All the endless wars which we have been shown on the narrative has all been for the good and tonight I will explain

Remember what we are being shown is controlled by the military, everything we are witnessing now is a HUGE white hat production and we have all been part of the biggest psyop. The plan is so clever that only God could have created it.

After watching this information it is going to be very difficult for anyone to dismiss this.

We are edging closer to the Big Reveals to the masses and everything is going to come back Love

The Human Race are about to experience the biggest quantum shift and we all will KNOW GOD IS REAL.

Many of the truth community have got it so wrong about the Freemasons and I have continued to show how the white hats, Freemasons and Q are all gods workers

This topic is key for this awakening

My connecting the dots goes back to when we wrote the constitution

George Washington was the 1st president

We are the ones who have hid in the shadows & we leave the clues in plainsite

Freemasons, Q, Flat Earth, The 33rd President Harry Truman

Ronald Reagan, The Pope, 33 Days - This Plan in action for a Long TIme - Ronald Reagan, The Pope, The number 33

Todays meditation will connect you with that place of bliss

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