Introduction to the "Greater Commission" of the Apostle Paul. Bonus: Why Paul Only!

11 months ago

We look at a short introduction to why I say "Greater" Commission from Paul as well as we look at very detailed Scriptural view of why I say "Paul Only."

Simply stated, the apostolic doctrine from the 12 apostles, called the 'Great Commission' today, is reserved for the Jews - during the days of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John along with Acts 1-8) and then when Christ returns during the Millennium, etc. is NOT the gospel that we are supposed to preaching and teaching today.

One can easily see that Paul is the ONLY apostle called to the Gentiles. Read Ephesians 3, for starters. Unfortunately, pastors use their favorite modern bible versions to present a gospel that was originally only to be taught to the Jews! They completely miss the gospel as taught by the RISEN CHRIST to the Gentiles, today - and is found ONLY in a King James 1611 Bible.

Ya know, everyone says they believe Christ died and rose again. Of course! But then they all are led backwards to the Gospels to learn all the doctrine that was taught to the Jews BEFORE Christ died and rose again. Isn't that odd - especially when the Scriptures say the new testament doesn't begin until the death of the testator.

In some ways, it actually seems very simple to me. I think the biggest problem, honestly, is that people simply do NOT read their own Bible from Genesis to Revelation. And to make matters worse, most people don't even have a King James Bible today. (Read Amos 8:11-13) Look at the whole picture and it will all make sense. (Oh, by the way, my presentations work only in a King James 1611 Bible). Instead, people either read some new modern version (if they read it at all) or they just trust their pastor to do all their reading and studying for them, which, by the way, has eternal consequences. Pastors will continue to be deceived as they pass on their deception to the lazy church goer who never reads his bible for himself.

I guess people are just too busy to read about the 'goodness of God' and would rather hear their pastor preach on severity of God. Amazing, eh!

Anyway - enjoy the understanding that could come for you this video bible study. Why Paul Only? Because God says so today!

For this and 17 years of sermons, bible studies, videos and charts on the apostle Paul, the King James Bible, the Goodness of God and much more, visit my websites at or

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