Stallion 51 Flight of a Lifetime, Part I: P-51 Mustang Takeoff

1 year ago

In Part I, we take off and spend time getting to know the airplane. The P-51 Mustang is a WW II fighter made in the 1940's. "Crazy Horse" was originally a single seat fighter and was converted to a dual-controlled Mustang in the early 70's.

While it was very sensitive to trim changes, it was actually very easy to make it go where you want it to go. I see why so many Mustang pilots love the airplane.

The flight took place at the Stallion 51 headquarters in Kissimmee, FL. I flew with instructor John "Homer" Black. Everyone there treated us like old friends and it was a very inviting atmosphere. The facility is unbelievably clean and orderly.

Part II will be uploaded soon. This will be footage of aerobatics, the overhead break over the airport and landing. While Part I was the "normal pilot stuff", the next part will be the "fighter pilot stuff".

This was an awesome experience! Thanks to Stallion 51 for the flight of a lifetime!

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