Plandemic 3 ~ The Great Awakening - Another Powerful Documentary by Filmmaker Mikki Willis

1 year ago

Mikki Willis is the Creator of the Plandemic Documentary Series
Mikki Willis on Twitter: @Plandemic3Movie
The messages coming through loud and clear from this film are:
1) We must be united because the hatred, division and suspicion of each other will just empower our enemies.
2) We must take action. Fear must be overcome because fear makes us paralyzed and stops us from protecting our families. It how we got here in the first place and how those who want to take away our freedom can control us.
3) There are tools we can use to overcome the tyranny that is forming around us. We need to learn those tools and use them!
Plandemic 1 - COVID19:
Plandemic 2 "InDOCTORnation" Documentary - How the Covid Plandemic Was Planned and Carried Out ~ Dr. David Martin Explains:
Bill Gates, Vaccine Horrors and More:
"Lockstep" PDF download:
Information and History of The New World Order/Great Reset/Agenda2030 and the Criminals that Wish to Rule the World:
Video source: CoronavirusPlushie on Rumble

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