League of Legends - Daily ARAM - Kassadin

1 year ago

Veigar, ASol, Elise, Zeri, and Diana

Samira, TF, Kassadin, Brand, and MF

0:00 Start
We definitely outpoke them. I went tanky since we had enough damage.

1:00 First Blood Fight
Somehow MF got caught within ASol's vortex and just got stunned up to death.

2:33 First Death
ASol and Diana just came flying in and I couldn't get away without my tp skills.

9:52 First T1 Tower Destroyed - Blue
12:12 T2 Tower and Inhib Destroyed - Blue
After respawn, I definitely felt tankier. Last teamfight I was just in their face constantly and I wasn't dying.

14:14 Nexus Towers Destroyed and Game End

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