CBS presented Charlie Manson Mendacities (NATO bayonet murders)

1 year ago

Photo depicts an ARMY Intelligence Officer leaving the Cielo murder scene BEFORE the Los Angeles Police Forensic Crew arrives Saturday morning, August 9, 1969. It was a sweltering heat wave weekend.


Charles Miles Maddox (rebranded by CIA as Manson)
Charles Milles Maddox · November 12, 1934 · Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.

No such thing as a Manson Family in real life. No Satanic Cult killings.
Televison families only (Addams Family, The Munster's, Partridge Family, My Three Sons)
Manson females were housed at a PORN complex of five houses and three swimming pools at 13158 Chandler Boulevard, Sherman Oaks--Van Nuys SFV. (Close to the CBS Studios)
Charlie Maddox housed at 21019 Grisham Street, Canoga Park.
No Manson Family cast members resided at the CBS George Spahn Ranch & Iverson Ranch.

Warner Brothers owns polio survivor Toronto Canada Neil Young.

Columbia Records owned Doris Day, Terry Melcher, Gregg Jakobson, Mark Lindsay, The Red Ferrari,14400 Sunset Blvd, Will Rogers Estate. CBS owned both Art Linkletter & Sharon Tate.

Military Intelligence Churches and CIA Operations (HAP & ARP)

US Air Force San Bernadino Motorcycle Clubs for drugs and security services:
Hells Angeles (San Franciso Bay Area Port Facilities)
Straight Satans (Los Angeles Basin & Port Facilities)
Satan's Slaves (LA San Fernado Valley & Ventura County)
All branded as Satanic? LOL

CIA Money Laundering Bankers:
Leno LaBianca (Straight Satans, Joe Dorgan & Danny DeCarlo,
Abigail Folger (RFK, Tom Bradley)

CIA Surveillance operatives:
Tom Kummer---aka: Jay Sebring barber, 35
Voytek Frykowski (control agent for Abigail Folger), 32
Roman Polanski (fake husband to Sharon Tate), 35
Colonel Paul Tate (ARMY Intelligence Officer HAP & Port Facility Fort MacArthur), 47
Ines Mejia, 62, Abigail Folger's mother from CIA SF HAP.
Leonard POSELLA of 3267 Waverly Drive and his mother Julia Posella.

Collateral damage:
Rosemary LaBianca, 39
Steven Parent, 18

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