A missing whistle-blower is on the run from the DOJ * June 4, 2023

1 year ago

(6/4/23) One of the missing #whistleblowers is alive and hiding out abroad in an unknown location because the #DOJ is trying to expedite him back to the U.S. on trumped-up charges. Sound familiar? There is NOTHING the Democrat's Deep State won't do to protect themselves from being exposed for wrong-doing, possibly even murder. We know they'll raid a former president's home and indict him. We know they helped rig at least two presidential elections. We know they colluded with the Democrats to investigate and impeach #PresidentTrump twice. We know they illegally spied on Trump and his inner circle. We know they lock up political prisoners in D.C. without due process. We know they manipulate and plant evidence, or withhold exculpatory evidence. We know they lie on FISA applications and affidavits for search warrants. We know they commit perjury before congressional hearings.

Rep. #AnnaPaulinaLuna (R-FL) of the House Oversight Committee says there's an FBI mole named "One Eye" who's advises #HunterBiden on their investigations into their investigation. She also said Rep. Adam Schiff will be fined $16 million for lying during the Mueller probe.

FYI: (psychology) cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance / noun: cognitive dissonance — The state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.

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