Modern Bibles DO Affect Major Doctrine - Music!

1 year ago

We look at Ephesians 5:19 and Amos 6:1,5 and see how the changes in those two verses make what is going on in the local church today for music an ok thing in the minds of those participating, whether it be in a local church worship service or in the Jesus Revolution - the Global Worship thing that is taking the world by storm.

What is truthfully going on with music in our local churches today and in the Global Worship Awakening is nothing but Satan using 'all kinds of music' to prepare the good religious people addicted to 'church-goin'" for the actual worship of the anti-Christ during the coming last days - time of great tribulation.

This is my 'shortest' presentation sermon on music I have ever done. This ought to give you a clue that something serious is going on with all the modern Bible versions today.

I apologize for the quality of the audio, however. I am not sure what I did or didn't do but I will make a new recording asap. I thought I had all my bases covered when I recorded this today. Apparently Satan does NOT want my stuff on music and a King James Bible to be made available these days. We know what he is doing and we know how he is doing it - and we know how to fix it. Unfortunately, I am not sure what else I can do to get people to wake up to what is going on in their church today - it is NOT worship and it does NOT please the Lord.

Remember, Satan is trying to be like the most High, so if he can get the worship from the people, it is he who is pleased, not the living God.

If you want to know more about music and Scriptures and in greater detail, or download the actual written PDF of the presentation, visit my website at While the 'main stuff' is in the details, I hope this short presentation still helps you in your quest for the knowledge of the truth and in this case, music in your local church and family.

And again, I apologize for the quality of the audio.

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