WH40k Chaos Warband - Widows of Vengeance - Chapter 2 - Seeking The False Inquisitor

1 year ago

{The Crimson Storm was a ship known for the horrors that lurked within its dark corridors. It was said that only the strongest and most fearsome warriors could earn a place among the warband. My fellow sisters taunted and tested me relentlessly, making sure I had the mettle to withstand the unspeakable terrors that awaited us.
The possessed prowled the shadows, their lupine forms howling with savage hunger and madness. Weaker members of our group were taken to the dens, where they were subjected to a twisted fate: they would either be transformed into ravenous Lupins or devoured by the possessed.
Despite the dangers that surrounded me, I focused on my training with grim determination, the embers of anger simmered while a portrait of the God-emperor watch over us. The Widows were a legendary force, known for their skill in battle and unyielding ferocity. I knew that I needed to be ready to fight at a moment's notice,
The pits were brutal, and I witnessed many of my fellow survivors fall in combat. I also saw a fierce fire in their eyes, a burning desire to not just survive, but to thrive in this debauched world we found ourselves in.
Now, Scorned Sister was our leader, a woman both feared and respected for her ruthless tactics and unwavering strength. In her own twisted way, I had come to respect her as well. She was fair, and she demanded nothing less than absolute loyalty from her sisters.
The descent of the drop pod towards the planet filled me with an exhilarating thrill of battle. Though our mission was clear, I was consumed by the rush of adrenaline and the desire to unleash the fury of the Widows of Vengeance upon our new target. My blood boiled with excitement, my heart pounding with anticipation, and I felt a sense of freedom I had never experienced before. We were called to spill blood in the name of Khorne, and we were eager to oblige.
The impact of the drop shook me to the core, but it was like music to my ears. I knew that the enemy would be trembling with fear at our arrival. The pod doors opened, saw the Imperial Guard fortifying their position and calling in reinforcements. We were the servants of Khorne, and nothing would stand in our way.
Our mutated bodies enhanced by the power of the Blood God, we charged with our weapons at the ready. The enemy put up a fierce fight, but we were unstoppable. Their skulls fell to the ground in a shower of gore as we tore through their lines, our fury driving us forward.
And then, I saw a figure emerge from the shadows. It was an Inquisitor and his retinue, come to put an end to our heresy. I felt my blood boil with rage at the sight of them. They were nothing compared to the might of Khorne, and we would prove it to them.
We fought back with all our might, summoning the power of Khorne and calling forth daemon allies to aid us in our struggle. The battle raged on, each side taking heavy casualties. We were determined to emerge victorious, to claim the skulls of our enemies for the Blood God, and for the Emperor. As I slayed, I saw Scorned Sister drop onto the battlefield with a fierce determination in her eyes. I knew that her target was the Inquisitor and his retinue. She charged forward, her chainsword at the ready, her mutated body enhanced with the power of the Blood God.
The Inquisitor and his retinue struggled with skill and determination, but they were no match for the ferocity and numbers of the Widows of Vengeance. We overwhelmed them with our relentless attacks, our bolters flashing in the sun as we tore through their defenses.
The Inquisitor met Scorned Sister with a sneer, his eyes burning with righteous fury. They clashed with a ferocity that shook the very ground beneath them. Their weapons clashed and sparks flew as they fought tooth and nail. I watched in awe as Scorned Sister emerged victorious, claiming the Inquisitor's skull as her prize. She raised it high, a triumphant cry echoing across the battlefield. The sound of our victory roared in my ears, and I knew that we had proven our loyalty to the Widows once again.
The last of the Inquisitor's retinue fell, we stood victorious, our bodies covered in the blood of our enemies. The Widows of Vengeance roared with approval, their bloodlust sated for the moment. We raised our weapons to the sky, many shouting our allegiance to Khorne and our defiance of the Imperium, while Scorned Sisters' inner circle cried out for the Emperor. But we knew that our campaign of destruction and chaos had only just begun. There would be more battles, more blood to spill, and more glory to be won in the name of the Blood God. And so we looked upon the battlefield, knowing that this was only the beginning of our quest to spread the true worship of the Godemperor far and wide. The false Imperium would know the wrath of Khorne, and we would be the ones to deliver it.}
Disclaimer: WH40k property of Games Workshop. All art used in this video are property of their respective owners. I DO NOT claim it as my own.

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