Woodrow Wilson [1917-1921]

1 year ago

Reel 1, Wilson watches sheep graze on the White House lawn; proclaims a declaration of war on April 6, 1917; and speaks to a crowd. Ex-Pres. Taft is present. Pres. and Mrs. Wilson and Post-master Gen. Burleson inspect an airmail plane as service is opened between Washington and New York. Wilson and Vice Pres. Marshall attend an A. F. of L. conference in Buffalo, N.Y. (1917), and pose with Samuel Gompers and Frank Morrison. Shows the Labor Day parade in Buffalo. Reel 2, Wilson receives French Foreign Legion members at the White House; reviews Army units at Fort Myer, Va., with Sec. of War Baker; inspects a Handley Page airplane at Bolling Field with Gen. March and Mrs. Wilson; receives Italian Alpine troops at the White House; and leads the Army Day parade of 1918. Reel 3, Sen. Carter Glass greets Wilson, at his D. C. home on Armistice Day, 1920. Wilson attends the burial of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington, Va. Wilson's body is carried from his S Street home to the burial grounds of the Washington Cathedral in Washington, D.C.

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