Bigfoot Encounter on Mica Mountain in British Columbia

1 year ago

The term "classic" has a number of acceptable meanings. A common definition is "something of enduring interest, quality, or style." "Something recognized as definitive in its field" is another definition. An additional definition is "something noteworthy of its kind and worth remembering." The sighting of William Roe qualifies as a classic case of an encounter with an enormous, hirsute bipedal beast. In fact, Mr. Roe's sighting may possibly rank as the most significant bigfoot sighting ever, according to experts who regularly follow the field of cryptozoology.

My understanding is that William Roe's credibility has never truly been questioned. He may have been some type of fraud or hoaxer, but I have never read anything that would support that notion. Keep in mind that this all occurred nearly three full years before the word "bigfoot" was coined to describe prints discovered by Jerry Crew in Northern California in a newspaper story and twelve years before the Patterson-Gimlin film rose to fame throughout the world. Roe had a few interviews on his sighting, but eventually went one step further and had an affidavit documenting his encounter prepared (in August 1957) for John Green. He was under no obligation to do this. This is hardly the kind of activity a hoaxer would take, in my opinion.

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