Microscopic Tech Found In Vaccinated: Blood Clots DISCOVERED In Living Patients Contain HYDROGEL

1 year ago

A recent experiment found vaccinated blood contains clots made of hydrogel plastic.
Dr. Ana Mihalcea is back to detail her groundbreaking discovery that hydrogel blood clots are forming in living vaccinated patients.
After blood was drawn and allowed to sit in vials for 4 hours it began to separate.
The blood separated and a yellow plastic substance was revealed.
The yellow substance was similar to rubber and it would not dissolve.
The blood of asymptomatic vaccinated patients also separated which is concerning.
Dr. Mihalcea also found filaments and hydrogel plastic in the blood she examined which confirms previous studies that observed nanotech inside the human body.
We are witnessing the merging of synthetic biology with human biology.
This is affecting both the vaccinated and unvaccinated.
There are reports that people using ozone therapies and hemodialysis are clogging up the machines with clots.
As the concentration of hydrogel plastic accumulates in the body people will continue to experience accelerated aging and die suddenly.
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