Biden Radicalizes America Against Americans

1 year ago

America sits quietly as the tyrannical New World Order injustice system throws patriots behind prison walls for merely expressing their natural born rights.

To be radicalized in Joe Biden’s America is to demand an end to his corruption and fraud. So the flames are fanned by propagandists like Michael Jensen, senior researcher at the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (Start) at the University of Maryland and leads the Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States (Pirus) project, a database tracking how US extremists came to be radicalized. Jensen claims that According to the data, 90% of the cases of US terrorists are classed as domestic. Of the domestic extremists, 95% are far-right, Jensen said: white supremacists, Proud Boys, anti-immigrant groups and anti-government groups. Its as if the Antifa and BLM carnage resulting from the George Floyd psyop never happened.

Joe Biden, Americans defending their Constitutional rights is at the heart of being American. There is a limit to how far this can be tested.

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