Should you have in-person meetings or virtual meetings?

1 year ago

In this week's episode, I consider whether you should have in-person meetings and events or whether they should be virtual.

We learned to use Zoom, WebEx, Microsoft Teams and lots of other ways during lockdowns to get together to share ideas over the internet.

It was incredibly convenient and it solved the problem of lockdowns, of not being able to get together in person.

But there are seven big reasons why in-person meetings are preferable to virtual meetings.

I discuss those seven reasons.

Overall, the key difference between a virtual meeting and an in-person meeting is like the difference between watching a video of the Grand Canyon and visiting the Grand Canyon: it's a massive difference!

I urge you to use these seven reasons to make better decisions about your meetings and events.

You might think that this is not a big deal now but think about your life and how many surprising events can happen and have happened to you when you have left the security and the comfort of your lovely home.

The other big point to remember is when you are having in-person events, you are likely to have much more fun.

I wish you better decision-making around your meetings and events.

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In this episode. I aim to enlighten you about the costs and the benefits of the road that you choose to travel. It's a most important and crucial choice before you!

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