Jesus' Teachings Before the Crucifixion Compared to Jesus' Teachings After He Rose from the Dead!

1 year ago

The comparison of the doctrines that Jesus taught to the Jews and told the apostles to NOT take them to the Gentiles (Heathen) are majorly and undisputably very different than what the RISEN Saviour told Paul (face to face) to take to the Gentiles (that IS us today).

This is another overview presentation because it is a very long study. Visit my websites for my newest material or my original website, for the actual study that I can email to you.

Show this to your pastor because you can't use both! You can't mix. Either you teach Jewish doctrine from the Gospels or you teach Jesus' risen doctrine directed to Gentiles. Remember, Hebrews 9:16,17 - "For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth."

This study compares them both to show the differences to any doubters 'out there.' We are to follow Paul's doctrine, not the apostolic doctrine. Paul teaches the goodness of God while the apostles taught the severity of God.

While Jesus taught the way of God, as the apostles said, but Paul teaches the way of God more perfectly - meaning the complete story now. Finished. "The rest of the story' that the Jews didn't know about but we see how the risen Saviour went to us Gentiles (heathen) through Paul - and ONLY found in a King James 1611 Bible, by the way!

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