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That Which is Perfect Came in 1611 and Changed Christianity for Today!

1 year ago

I Corinthians 13-8-10 describes an event in 1611 that changed all of Christianity and the world when it comes to Biblical Understanding. When 'that which was perfect' came in 1611, spiritual understanding went from 'in part' to 'in full.' It went from following the 'spoken word' "in part" from major and minor prophets, pastors, self-revealed anointing and unction from the Holy Spirit based on their personal obedience (from John 14 and I John 2:27) all of which was ONLY TO the Jews. Then, in 1611, all that was 'in part' previous to 1611 went to 'in full' to the 'written word' as found ONLY in a King James Bible all of which is written TO the Gentiles (heathen) today.

Knowledge and understanding went from being a child to a full mature Christian, IF they learned how to rightly divide the scriptures and would read the KJB and study it. It all went from the Severity of God to the Jews to the Goodness of God to the Gentiles. It went from the kingdom of heaven, a physical kingdom, to the kingdom of God, a spiritual kingdom. It went from remission of sins to full eternal forgiveness. It went from the 12 apostles as found in the gospels to one apostle, and that is Paul. It went from Peter being the apostle to the circumcision to Paul being the apostle to the circumcision! It went from water baptism to spiritual baptism. It went from the ritual of communion/Lord's Supper to one's own private and personal face-to-face communion with the risen and living God.

Satan has tried from the beginning to destroy the King James 1611 Bible so that someday he can be 'like the most High' by creating over 500 modern bibles that are as corrupt as Satanic corruptness can be. None of them are the inspired, preserved words of the living God.

No matter how much your educated people loving pastor and publishers hate the King James Bible, you must realize that they are trying to control their congregation the same as the government is trying to control every citizen and reject every bible in print except the King James 1611 Bible.

Follow my sermons as I add them to Rumble or find over 150 of them from the last two years on YouTube as retired music educator and find an understanding that gives you the peace that passeth all understanding. You can also visit my most recent website www.paulson1611rd.org to download the actual presentations free or to my original website www.scatteredchristians.org for more study materials and sermons back to 2003.


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