Holbrook, Arizona | The Daily Hoof #1 | Not a Tourist | Definitely Not With The Chamber of Commerce

11 months ago

Holbrook, Arizona, Known to Hollywood as Sand Rock.

When they put the rail line through here, the ... pioneers, let's call them, drove their cattle north to that rail from the prettier, higher, better-watered areas to the south.

Eventually they did the same thing to the Apache man they called 'Geronimo', and loaded him too onto an eastbound train forever like so much human livestock.

That is the original sin of the place.

The depot still stands but the trains don't stop here anymore.

In these days, I relate how I came to be figuratively imprisoned here myself, and how I embrace the personal responsibility for that, and why I decided to start walking through this town every day, and sometimes filming as I go.

In this introductory video to the series, I only briefly mention a plan to escape my imprisonment.

If it even deserves the name of Plan, yet still.

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